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HypnoBirthing: Pregnancy, Birth and Post-partum

During all of my hypnosis classes for pregnancy, birth and postpartum I find it important to go over how birth works in the body. Understanding the intelligence of the body and the physiology of birth is a great source of confidence strength; and becoming aware of all the processes happening in the body during post-partum (the "un-pregnancy" is the term coined by Canadian midwife Ingrid Bayot) allows you to plan ahead for a post-partum that you can enjoy.


Birth companions are welcome and included in all of my sessions. You are invited to do all the exercices, participate in all of the discussions and learn about the physiology of birth just like the birthing mother. Your knowledgeable support will be invaluable to the birthing mother and your baby throughout pregnancy, birth and post-partum.

HypnoBirthing: Full Course

HypnoBirthing Course Content:
5 sessions, 2.5 hours each

- we discuss the physiology of birth, because understanding the intelligence of the body of the mother AND how babies are actors in their births supports confidence in the process and in your own ability;


- we discover and we practice relaxation and hypnosis techniques: breathing, visualizations, affirmations, a massage which stimulates the production of endorphins and oxytocin, we learn inductions (how to go into trance), and self-hypnosis techniques;


- we learn powerful pain management techniques;


- you create your birth plan and we talk about how to communicate it to caregivers and how to work as a team with doctors, midwives and maternity staff;


- you and your birth partner make your birth choices together, which enables them to advocate for your birth plan during birth. This allows you to remain concentrated on birth unfolding in your body.


- I create a personalized program of exercises you can practice in-between sessions​


We settle down comfortably, have some tea, and time flies by. At the end of the session, you feel rested and refreshed. During each session, we spend some time talking about whatever concerns you, we learn about the physiology of birth, and we practice relaxation and hypnosis techniques.

This is for you if:

- you would like to fully experience the birth of your baby, regardless of external circumstances. 


- you want to birth your baby without epidural


- you choose to delay the epidural


- you have had a difficult previous birth, and need​ fresh confidence


- your partner would like to have the tools to support you during labor


- you want to build connection and trust with your partner


- the idea of the pregnancy is still conceptual and you would like to better imagine and bond with your baby


- you know you are going to have a C-section and would like a peaceful, serene experience


When we work together, my role is to support you on your own journey and I am agnostic about what your birth preferences should be. I offer you information, tools, support so that you can be at the center of your own birthing experience.


My role not that of an expert, but rather that of a companion, walking alongside.

What is the content of each session of the HypnoBirthing course?

During each session, we talk about the physiology of birth in order to gain confidence in the body and the physiology of birth; we address any questions you have; and we learn and practice tools for relaxation and self-hypnosis.


A detailed description of session content is available on my blog

Practical Info: Paris, Maisons-Laffitte, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, west of Paris & VIDEOCONFERENCE

We see each other 5 times, each time for 2.5 hours.


I see individual couples on Wednesdays and Saturdays in my office in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, located at 34 Impasse des Louviers (5-minute walk from the RER A).


For small group lessons, we meet at "Le Nid", 87 Avenue de Saint-Germain in Maisons-Laffitte (7-minute walk from the RER A).


I can come to you if you live in Paris or in the west of Paris: Chatou, Le Vésinet, Le Pecq, Marly-le-Roi, Montesson, Houilles, Sartrouville, Conflans-Sainte-Honorine.


And I offer sessions via videoconference. Since 2020, I have worked with couples in France and several other countries such as Germany, Luxembourg, Finland, Senegal and Mozambique. I've grown close to several of these couples, and when we finally see each other in person, during one of their visits to Paris, it feels like a reunion. Even though we are physically far away during our sessions, the intention gets across so easily. One of the advantages of the live video sessions is that, when we have them in the evening, you can transition directly to sleep at the end our the hypnosis session. I log off quietly and we touch base the next day. 


750 euros/couple for individual (private) HypnoBirthing classes.


450 euros/couple for small group HypnoBirthing classes.


The fee includes 12.5 hours of class, two recordings, affirmation sheets, images to view, several course materials. I also create a personalized program of exercises to enable you to practice between sessions and you have access to me, by phone or videochat, until after the birth.


For home visits I charge an additional fee of 30 euros, unless your condition does not allow you to come to the office, in which case I come for free.


If you can benefit from my work but it is really not affordable to you, I adjust to what is possible for you. 

When should you start?

I recommend starting as soon as you know that you want to do the course, even if it is very early in the pregnancy. This will enable you to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and to learn the first exercices. You will be able to start practicing, and starting a daily practice early gives you more time to assimilate the techniques. When the time comes for giving birth, the techniques will have become powerful resources. We distribute the following sessions according to the time remaining before the birth, with the last not too far from the due date.

HypnoBirthing, HypnoNaissance, HypnoNatal, is it the same thing?

HypnoBirthing the Mongan method is the original HypnoBirthing method. It offers a comprehensive approach because it combines learning about the physiology of birth and practicing powerful tools for relaxation and self-hypnosis. All sessions are designed for and adapted to the birth partner. Other methods may only offer relaxation, and most do not welcome the birth companion to such a full extent.


The Mongan HypnoBirthing method is translated and taught in over 40 countries, and has supported tens of thousands of couples on their journey towards parenthood over the past 40 years. 


Marie Mongan coined the "HypnoBirthing" term and was the first person to create a comprehensive hypnosis-based birth training.

Hypnosis Program: Pain Management

"Pain Management" Program Content: 2 sessions, 2.5 hours each

- induction techniques (self-relaxation)


- discussion : de-constructing the concept of pain;  understanding how perception works


-ice cube game: hypnotic exercise to learn several pain management techniques


-discussion: how the birth partner can best support the birthing mother

This is for you if:

- you experience fear around the idea of feeling pain


- you want to give birth without or with delayed epidural, and if you already have a good knowledge of the physiology of birth (see the Full HypnoBirthing Course description for why knowledge of physiology is important)


- you have experienced intense or chronic pain, during birth or other life experiences

Hypnosis Program: Facing Fear

"Facing Fear" Program Content: 2 sessions, 2.5 hours each 

- identify signs of fear in the body, in the mind and if possible, identify the source of the fear


- understand the mechanism of relaxation and learn how to fully inhabit your body


-go into a long hypnosis session to meet the fear, to transform and to take care of it


-personalized practice program for the coming weeks or months


This is for you if:

- you experience anxiety at the thought of becoming a mother or a father, this program will allow you to get in touch with the part of you who feels the fear and begin taking care of it


- you fear giving birth, we will work on establishing confidence in the body


- your own birth was difficult, we will use hypnosis to get in touch â€‹with elements of your personal history 


- you suffer from panic attacks, the techniques will give you tools to transform them.

Hypnosis Program: Learn Self-Hypnosis

"Learn Self-Hypnosis" Program Content: 2 sessions, 2.5 hours each

This is for you if:

-identify your signs of relaxation and learn how to go into relaxation by yourself


-recognize different levels of trance and learn how to adjust them


-how to establish a goal for a self-guided session, how to define a strategy to reach them and how to protect yourself


- how to stay in a trance even while you talk, walk, even with interruptions


- self-hypnosis techniques for a specific purpose, such as giving birth!


- you've always been curious about hypnosis and how to use it


- you want to use hypnosis for birth, or to support you during your pregnancy or postpartum (falling asleep, breastfeeding, postpartum pain)


- you have already done another hypnosis program and you would like to deepen your practice.


- you want to carve out a moment for yourself on a daily basis through a regular practice of self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis Formulas: Traumatic Birth

"Traumatic Birth" Program Content: 2 sessions, 2.5 hours each

-difficult stories need to be told, and told again, in order to be re-imagined, shaped by words. I listen carefully, without trying to change, distort or "make things better" too soon.


- get close to your lived experience through hypnosis and take care, transform, envelop all the parts of you who need it


-let a new story emerge, a story which can act like a resource for you


- create space so that something new becomes possible


This is for you if:

- you have just experienced a difficult birth, and need to take care of yourself after the impact it had on you. Generally, the closer to the event we see each other, the more effective we can be, but anytime is a good time to heal.


- you have experienced a traumatic birth whose impact is still very present in your life, we can elaborate this experience and create a space for healing.


- you are expecting another baby and you want to experience this new birth afresh

For all Hypnosis Programs:

Practical Info: Paris, Maisons-Laffitte, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, west of Paris & VISIO

We see each other 2 times, each time for 2.5 hours. 


Appointments are available on Wednesdays and Saturdays in my office in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, located at 34 Impasse des Louviers (5-minute walk from the RER A).


I can come to you on other days of the week if you live in Paris or in the west of Paris: Chatou, Le Vésinet, Le Pecq, Marly-le-Roi, Montesson, Houilles, Sartrouville, Conflans-Sainte-Honorine.


All these programs are available via videoconference.


If you are expecting your first baby, if you are not taking any other classes, if you are not familiar with the physiology of birth, the full course, explained above, may be a better option for you.


380 euros per person or per couple.


The fee includes the 5 in-session hours, a summary email, a personalized practice program as well as the possibility of contacting me to speak or ask questions until after the birth.


For home visits I charge an additional fee of 30 euros, unless your condition does not allow you to come to the office, in which case I come for free.


If you can benefit from my work but it is really not affordable to you, I adjust to what is possible for you. 

Customized Hypnosis Program

Program Content:

In an initial appointment, you tell me about yourself. Perhaps you have a specific objective, or you would just like to make more room for yourself in your life.  

You discover what it is like to go into hypnosis, or if you are already familiar, you go into trance to explore. 


At the end of the session, we debrief and discuss creating a customized program for you. Programs are a mix of in-person sessions and remote follow-up, with a personalized practice schedule.


This is for you if:

- you are going through a pregnancy, birth, or post-partum experience not addressed in the above


- you are trying to become pregnant 


- you have experienced pregnancy loss


- you are considering having or have had an abortion


- you would like to live more in your body


- you would like to explore your subconscious mind for a particular purpose or just because it is so interesting

Practical Info: Saint-Germain-en-Laye & VIDEOCONFERENCE

Appointments are available on Wednesdays and Saturdays in my office in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, located at 34 Impasse des Louviers (5-minute walk from the RER A).


The first session lasts 90 minutes, and the following one hour. Once we decide to work together, I recommend scheduling sessions fairly close to each other: a week apart, or less. This is because we are going to delve into the subconscious, and bring up things we need to work with. If we wait too long, they may sink back into the depths and access may become too difficult.


All these sessions are available via videoconference. 


120 euros for the first session (1.5 hours), and 80 euros for the following sessions (1 hour).


The fee includes the in-session hours, a personalized practice program and follow-up between sessions, if you wish to ask a question or consult on something. â€‹


If you can benefit from my work but it is really not affordable to you, I adjust to what is possible for you. 


I can come to the maternity clinic or to your home (if you are having a home birth) in order to support you during birth. Envelop you in the rebozo, help you go deeply into hypnosis, or simply be there, not too far, not too close. I am not a midwife and I have no medical credentials, but I know how to work as a team with midwifes. I pay attention to couple dynamics, and just like in all my work, I also support the birth companion. 

This is for you if...

... you would like a guardian for your intimacy and advocate for your birth project; you want your birth partner to be entirely available for you; you would like to benefit from effective pain management techniques.

Practical Info: Paris and West of Paris 

I can come to all Parisian maternity clinics, as well as to the West of Paris: the American Hospital, Nanterre, Poissy, Saint-Germain-en-Laye. I can support midwife-assisted home births.


Before birth, we meet at least once, for a 2-hour session, so you can tell me how you would like to experience your baby's birth. We learn and practice some exercises together, and I create a personalized practice program for you to use in the run-up to birth. 


The fee for support during birth is 595 euros. The fee includes the meeting before birth and does not include the on-call service, which can vary depending on your situation and which we discuss separately. Couples having done my HypnoBirthing course benefit from a reduced rate; the fee for you is 395 euros.

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